In February I wrote the post below about OHM Beads and collecting their Bead of the Month beads. I included a YouTube video of the first 7 BOTM beads I was able to purchase. Now I'm back with a NEW VIDEO sharing the next 4 beads I was able to add to my collection. I am completely devoted to this company, their jewelry and beads, and am now more passionate than ever! Many of these special edition beads are still available and I am so excited to be able to share them with you.
"If you follow me on Instagram @dailycharmaddict, you may be well aware that I have become a huge OHM Beads collector. Ever since I was first introduced to the brand by Nichol @myprettycharmedlife and Emily @fashionstoryteller, my passion for the beads and the company has grown exponentially. True to my nature, I have become completely engrossed in learning everything, studying the catalogue, and choosing my favourite new additions. I love the original and creative designs as well as the meanings behind the beads. It has been so fun to discover and explore a new twist on the standard charm bracelet.
One of the experimental projects OHM started was the Bead of the Month (BOTM). Over 4 years (beginning in June 2015) a new Limited Edition bead was released every single month, 55 in all. Each bead was serialized and engraved with an individual code. A mini certificate of authenticity was included and in many cases the beads came in phenomenal specialized packaging.
While the project is now over and most of the BOTM beads are sold out, some are still available and it's possible to purchase them, occasionally at a discount! While I was too late to discover the fabulous world of OHM Beads BOTM when it originally launched, I am so pleased I have been able to collect more than a few of them. Every single bead received has been a complete delight! Each more imaginative than the last, the designs add so much beauty to my bracelets. The fun of the whimsical packaging adds to the experience and the often touching and thought-provoking descriptions and meanings behind the beads offer another layer of enjoyment."
You can watch my YouTube video below to see Part 2 of my collection, the next 4 beads I have been able to purchase. I include a close-up view of the fabulous detail in each bead as well as the really clever packaging.
Please visit OHM BEADS here to see the BOTM beads which are still available to purchase. I am waiting for another to arrive and I'm excited to say I expect to be filming Part 3 soon!