Now that my daughter has received her gift I can share it! It's an adorable Dogs In Glasses pillow made using Elizabeth Hartman's design. I bought the pattern from her on-line shop HERE, fully intending to make a quilt. However, once I got start cutting the zillion pieces of fabric I knew I would run out of time before DD's birthday and decided to start with a pillow.
It was fun to piece and not difficult, but a little time consuming and fussy given all the units that needed to be joined from the small pieces of fabric. Once it was all put together I added the glasses with fusible web and used a zigzag stitch to finish the edges. I was able to make the whole project using scraps and the sweater and backing are flannel blocks pieced from leftovers of my hubby's quilt. The flannel makes for a soft side to cuddle and I tried to achieve an "Outlander" tartan look for my Jamie Fraser fan.
I did have to fudge the size of the pillow because I just could not find a form that matched the pattern. I ended up using a small bed pillow and just added extra pieces of background fabric to make it fit. I quilted the front with a small stipple to keep it quick and simple and didn't quilt the back at all. The flannel was difficult for me to work with as it was and I'd had enough by the time I got to making the envelope-style pillow back.
Anyway, I watched her open the present remotely on the phone and I think she is very happy with it. She loves Daschunds and she wears similar glasses so it went over pretty well! He's not perfect but still pretty cute!