Where does the time go? I've noticed many of my old favourite bloggers are in the same boat, realizing blogs have almost become a thing of the past. These days quick and brief social media check-ins, like Instagram and Twitter, and even Snapchat, are taking over where blogs left off. It's fast to hit share on a pretty photo with a short caption rather than type an entire post full of details and requiring editing. I really miss reading those longer entries and that more in depth look at what those quilters and designers are working on in their studios. I know the writers are busy and moving on but I wonder if the readers are as well. My posts are fewer and farther between as my interest has shifted to quilting rather than cooking. Making a quilt takes a lot longer than making a cake!
I'm going to continue to share what I'm working on and reviews of supplies I use. Hopefully someone will find it interesting and continue to visit Over the Kitchen Counter and worst case scenario...I'll have a nice documentation of my progress. Summer is a tough time for anyone to get a lot done work-wise as kids are home for vacation, family trips away, and more beautiful days to enjoy outside but I'm still squeezing in time to work on a special gift for someone, a little baking here and there, and even planning some scrapbooking with a new album set. Here are some pics...
The Vintage quilt is basted (both sprayed and pinned) and I'm just waiting for my final quilting decision. I'm leaning towards making the 'x's pop with more densely quilted background areas and simple stitching around the perimeters. I think it will work well but I'm taking a break to work on that gift. It's proving to be a little challenging and time consuming but I am enjoying the piecing on my Bernina. The cutting alone took about 3 days - so many pieces! I can't wait to show you the results but I need to keep it under wraps for now. I've finished 3 full quilts in quick succession so a break from the quilting itself is nice...
The last basket of strawberries was over-ripe and no longer great for eating fresh. I baked a Strawberry Shortcake to use them up and it was delicious with organic whipped cream and sugared berries. The 'cake' is more like a biscuit - not too sweet, not too spongey - and it was a fine ending to the local strawberry season.
I have been weeding the garden, feeding the gazillion birds (we installed a pondless waterfall, which they love!), and watching the baby bunnies grow. We have a lot of duck families visiting daily but sadly, only two sightings of hummingbirds. Maybe they will return at the end of the summer.
I know I'll be using the Uncharted Fast2Fab album in the fall. It's the perfect design for vacation photos and I took advantage of a special that included embellishments, a pen, and tape runner. The pre-designed pages are gorgeous and are so fast to fill with great memories.
I hope you are having a good summer. Thank you for taking the time to visit and read...:) I'd love to hear your thoughts on the turn social media has had on blogs, magazines, and even television. Everything is moving at the speed of sound and it seems like no one has an attention span longer than a second these days! Baking, cooking, scrapbooking, and quilting make me feel like an old timer with passions fewer and fewer are interested in any more!
Don't stop blogging Angie, I read every word. Your interests mirror mine and I look forward to seeing what you're up to and progress on projects.
Posted by: Ann Bawol Megargle | July 19, 2016 at 09:32 PM
Thanks, Ann! You have been a great support. I love that we share a love of quilting, etc.! :)
Posted by: angie | July 22, 2016 at 10:39 AM
I enjoy your posts and continue to learn from you. Quick question: why do you spray baste and pin? Just curious.
Posted by: Diana | July 24, 2016 at 04:46 PM