I laughed when I saw the new Flying Fat Quarters with Monique Dillard Craftsy class because once again Craftsy has been looking into my sewing room and watching what I've been working on. I wasn't surprised that Flying Geese were the stars of this class since that's just what I've been writing about lately. I had to make many flying geese using the Craftsy Block of the Month class technique I shared HERE, as well as the cool ruler I found hidden in my cupboard!
The instructor of the new class, Monique Dillard, sure does love flying geese! The lessons make use of flying geese units in every project. Monique sets them out in various ways to get a myriad of designs and looks. Not only does she love flying geese, she loves fat quarters too! All the blocks are derived from fat quarters and Monique shows how to cut them to maximize their output. She even uses them for the backing fabric and the binding too! This class totally opened my eyes to all the possibilities using just flying geese units and how to use every scrap of a fat quarter - it is pretty cool!
As a really amazing bonus Ms. Dillard includes the 'e' version of her book, Fat Quarter Winners, free with the class! That is just awesome because it's full of even more quilt patterns using fat quarters and flying geese. The only problem for me is...funny enough...I already HAVE THE BOOK! I ordered it a long time ago and it's been waiting patiently on my shelf. I hadn't even realized when I signed up for the class that I already 'knew' Monique Dillard and could've been using her techniques all along! Of course, it's now on my night stand and I've been studying it much more intently!
I'm really inspired by seeing the beautiful designs in the class and sure enough...I'll add a flying geese project to my list. I do have all those lovely fat quarters waiting from the Mystery Box so maybe I can make use of them in one of the patterns. Monique shares two methods for making the flying geese - the traditional flip-corners version and a method using a ruler she designed, Fit to Be Geese. Now that I found my own flying geese ruler in my stash, and since I'll have to make so many of them, I'll probably just use that method and figure it out using the fat quarters.
I am really enjoying the class and Monique is a thorough, no-nonsense instructor. Her passion and enthusiasm for flying geese really comes through and her techniques are smart and inspiring. Definitely check out the class using the link above and you might just get excited about all the possibilities using flying geese units in your quilts!